
Please provide the following information for fan club presale tickets at least 3 days before fan club tickets are to go on sale. All fields are required.

Preferred Ticket Fulfillment Method
Ticket Price - Please include all fees in price. If any levels don't apply, please enter n/a
Ticket Quantities Held For Presale - If any levels don't apply, please enter n/a
How it works:
  • BubbleUp will pay the venue by check approx. one month before the show date.
  • BubbleUp will email the ticket buyer list to the contact listed above
  • Ticket buyer will be instructed to go to will-call at the main ticket window at the venue to pick up tickets.
  • If the show is canceled for any reason and payment has already been made, the venue will handle refunds for all pre-sale tickets using the will-call list or will return any payments made back to BubbleUp so we can process the refunds to the customer's credit card.
  • The Venue is responsible for all sales taxes associated with ticket sales.
I have verified and agree with the above information and grant permission to BubbleUP to sell the allocated fan club tickets and will distribute tickets to the fans as agreed.

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Whether you need an eCommerce store, a new website, digital marketing, branding, a community membership system/fan club, or looking for a custom development solution, we can help.

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